Implant-Retained Den­tures: The Per­fect Solu­tion for a Secure, Nat­ur­al Smile

Until recent­ly, the most com­mon way to replace miss­ing teeth is with a den­ture. Den­tures are cus­tom-made pros­thet­ics that use an acrylic or nylon base plate to sup­port arti­fi­cial teeth. The den­tures are held in place with a com­bi­na­tion or suc­tion and den­ture adhesive.

Dentures offer some hope for those living with tooth loss, but there are limitations to this treatment. For example, your dentures could come loose while you are speaking or eating, which can be a source of embarrassment for some.

Dentures also spread the force of your bite across your gums, not your jaw bone. When the jaw bone isn’t in use, it can recede, leading to a change in your facial structure.

Thankfully, dental treatments have advanced at a staggering rate, leading the way for innovative treatments. The most popular alternative to dentures today is implant-retained dentures. This unique treatment plan can allow you to enjoy the feeling of natural teeth again, and it can also help to solve many of the common problems associated with dentures.

What are implant retained dentures?

To understand this treatment plan, we first need to know what a dental implant is. Dental implants are small titanium screws that are placed in the jaw bone. These bond with the bone, providing an artificial root for a dental crown. It’s also possible to use multiple dental implants – usually between four and six – to create a foundation for a full arch restoration.

Implant retained dentures can be fixed or removable. You could choose one that your dentist fits in your mouth, and then you care for the dentures as if they were your natural teeth. You could also choose one with strong magnets that hold the denture in place. This allows you to remove your denture to clean it.

Why are implant retained dentures better than regular dentures?

Implant retained dentures address a number of problems and limitations faced with the conventional denture treatment plan. These are just some of the reasons to consider an upgrade from dentures to implant-retained dentures:

  • Implant retained dentures are more secure, meaning they won’t slip or fall out while you are speaking or eating. Since they are more secure, it also means you can eat more challenging foods such as crusty bread and raw vegetables. This can help to improve your nutritional intake and prevent malnutrition which is a real concern for those with full dentures.

  • Implant retained dentures allow your jaw bone to continue being useful. By absorbing the force of your bite, this will prevent bone loss, which can help to maintain your face shape. This can help to avoid the sunken appearance that can appear with dentures. Dentures have to be updated often as the jaw shape will change, meaning that you no longer have a good fit.

  • With implant retained dentures, you can care for your teeth as if they are your natural teeth. This can help to restore confidence in your smile. They also look and feel more like natural teeth, so it can be a source of comfort for those who have lost their teeth.

  • A more permanent solution for missing teeth can help to boost your confidence and prevent social isolation that can often go hand in hand with losing teeth. With implant retained dentures, you can smile and speak with complete confidence, which can help you to remain social and engaged.

  • Dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, so when considering the lifetime value of this treatment, it’s easy to see how this is an improvement on dentures. Dentures often need to be updated regularly which can make the treatment more expensive in the long-term.

What is the treatment for implant retained dentures?

If you’re curious about replacing your dentures with implant retained dentures, the first step is a consultation. Your dentist will determine if you’re a suitable candidate and give you an outline of the proposed treatment plan.

It typically takes between 6-9 months to complete the treatment plan, as you will need to wait for the implants to heal. With the All-On-4 treatment plan, this can be much faster, as your dentist uses longer, angled implants that can support a load-bearing denture immediately. Ready to find out if this treatment could transform your life? Book a consultation today!