Key Ques­tions to Ask Before Choos­ing a Den­tal Implant Specialist

So you’re think­ing about den­tal implants. You’ve researched the pro­ce­dure and you’ve decid­ed this is the right choice for you. Per­haps you have seen your rou­tine den­tist and they have said you’re an excel­lent can­di­date. The next step is to find a den­tal implant spe­cial­ist to car­ry out the procedure.

The process of choosing your dental implant dentist is all about finding someone who you trust with your oral health. Dentists build trust by demonstrating their training, experience and their patient care. With this in mind, we’re looking at some of the most important questions you can ask during the process of choosing your dental implant dentist.

What training do you have in dental implants?

Dental implant placement is not included in the general dentistry training, so your dentist will have to have undertaken additional training in order to be able to place dental implants. This could be long-term training such as an MA or PhD in dental implants, or it could be a practical short activator course.

A dentist with more extensive training might have more experience with specialist and complex cases. Asking this question is less about confirming the length of the training and instead about confirming that they have some training.

How many dental implants have you placed?

A newly qualified dental implant dentist might not have very much practical experience in placing implants. This could be more risky, as you will be one of their first patients. It could also be a positive sign, as it means they will be very attentive during the process. It’s up to you to decide if experience is important to you when choosing a dental implant dentist.

Can I see examples of your past work?

Unless you are their very first patient, there is a good chance that the dentist will have a portfolio of work they can share with you. Examples of their past work will help you to determine if they have sufficient experience to be trustworthy. Again, this isn’t a dealbreaker, as all dentists have to start somewhere. However, if you are looking for someone with extensive experience, this could rule out some dentists.

Can I speak to past patients?

One of the best ways to get a better idea about their patient care is to speak to past patients. Some dentists will host open days where you can speak to past patients about their experience. This is often less about the experience with the dentist and more about learning about the aftercare experience and recovery. It’s an ideal opportunity to get a realistic perspective about what dental implant treatment really feels like.

Have you ever treated a patient with a case similar to mine?

A great way to gauge their level of experience is to ask questions about patients they have treated that are similar to your own case.

By this stage in the consultation, the dentist should have a good idea about your eligibility for dental implants. They should also be aware of any potential complications that could arise. By asking about patients that are similar to you, you will gain insight into the dentist’s understanding of your case.

How long do you anticipate my treatment will take?

While it’s good for your dentist to have a good estimate about how long your treatment will take, it’s far better that they are willing to manage expectations. This is far better than a dentist that will promise you the world only to fall short.

There are a lot of variables at play when it comes to placing dental implants, and there are no guarantees when it comes to treatment times. This is why it is far better to find a dentist willing to be realistic.

How much will my treatment cost?

If your dentist is afraid of talking about final costs and is reluctant to give you a number, this could be a bad sign. It’s not uncommon for dentists to offer a cheaper rate to get you to start treatment with them, only to “discover” new information once treatment begins, which means the final cost is much higher than expected.

While your dentist might not be able to offer an all-inclusive price right off the bat, they should be able to provide an accurate ballpark figure. They should also be able to state that treatment won’t be in excess of a certain amount. This will allow you to move forward with confidence.

Final thoughts on choosing a dental implant specialist

With this information in mind, you should be able to make an informed choice about the best person to carry out your dental implant treatment. Remember that experience isn’t the only thing you should look for. It’s also important to choose a dentist who is honest and trustworthy about how long the treatment might take and how much it will cost.