Authen­tic smiles are made at The Den­tal Place

Our inno­v­a­tive den­tal prac­tice is chang­ing the face of pri­vate den­tistry. Access pre­mi­um pri­vate den­tal care with­out the pushy sales tactics.

Aligner Open Day Saturday 22nd February

Amazing offer with savings of £1,805 on the day

“Welcome to our practice, where exceptional patient care meets advanced dentistry, transforming smiles and lives.”

Expert treat­ment from a renowned dentist

Our den­tal prac­tice is led by lead­ing den­tal sur­geon and implan­tol­o­gist, Dr Chetan Math­ias. Sup­port­ed by a team of car­ing and com­pas­sion­ate den­tists, hygien­ists and nurs­ing staff, The Den­tal Place War­wick is able to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive den­tal care, includ­ing rou­tine, cos­met­ic and restora­tive treat­ments. Learn more about our team and facilities:

Trans­form your smile with Cos­met­ic Dentistry

Unhap­py with your smile? We can fix that. Boost your con­fi­dence with a range of cos­met­ic treat­ments to help refine and upgrade your smile. Explore our full range of treat­ments below, or book a con­sul­ta­tion with our cos­met­ic team today.

Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a permanent replacement for missing teeth. Enjoy a complete restoration that looks and feels natural.


Straighten your smile the easy way with Invisalign clear aligners. This innovative treatment plan fits around your lifestyle for complete ease.

Smile Makeover

A bespoke smile makeover designed just for you will address all of your imperfections and concerns, offering a simple path to a stunning smile.

Every­day care to pro­tect your teeth

Pre­ven­tion will always be bet­ter than cure. Along­side cos­met­ic and restora­tive care, we also offer rou­tine den­tistry to help you smile with con­fi­dence. With reg­u­lar check­ups and sim­ple but effec­tive care, you can enjoy improved oral health and reduce the chances that you will need more exten­sive treat­ment lat­er in life. Learn more about our rou­tine den­tal care:

Welcome to

The place for dental

Every­thing you need to pro­tect, restore and refine your smile under one roof. Explore our state of the art prac­tice in War­wick and learn more about how we achieve incred­i­ble results for our patients.

  • Our Practice

    Our state of the art dental practice in Warwick offers everything you need for routine, restorative and cosmetic dentistry.

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    Ready to kickstart your dental career? We’re looking for talented dental professionals like you to deliver exceptional patient care.