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Cos­met­ic Den­tistry in Warwick

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Ben­e­fits of Cos­met­ic Dentistry

  • Free Consultation

  • Highly experienced cosmetic dentist

  • 0% finance available

  • Improve confidence and oral health

Cos­met­ic Den­tistry

A healthy smile is a happy smile, but sometimes there are imperfections that might hold you back from smiling with absolute confidence. Through cosmetic dentistry procedures, we can help to improve your smile so you can feel more confident. Cosmetic dentistry is now soaring in popularity as it becomes more accessible and affordable. We offer a wide range of treatments to help address common problems.

Research shows that individuals that invest in their smiles enjoy better oral health overall. Cosmetic dentistry will not only help to improve your confidence and help you to look younger, but it will also help to protect your oral health. You'll be more likely to attend checkups and care for your teeth at home when you have invested in your smile.

Treat­ment Jour­ney
What To Expect

Every cosmetic treatment journey will be unique, but this is an overview of the steps you can expect. We will make sure you are informed every step of the way so you can make the right decisions for your needs.

Every treatment journey starts with a consultation to get to know you and your oral health history. You'll have a chance to ask questions and find out about the treatments available. If you choose to go ahead, we'll create your bespoke treatment plan to help guide you.

When you choose The Dental Place for your cosmetic dentistry treatments, you'll enjoy the our new modern practice, our highly experienced team and our fantastic aftercare.

Meet the team

Our team is what sets us apart. Through­out your treat­ment, you’ll be sup­port­ed by our car­ing and pas­sion­ate team. We live and breathe den­tistry, ensur­ing that we can offer the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dards of care for our patients.

  • GDC:111265

    Dr Chetan Mathias

    Principal Dentist - BDS Rajvir Ghandhi University 2005

Our smile transformations

Curi­ous about the kind of results you can expect to achieve? Explore our smile gallery to see exam­ples of how this treat­ment could ele­vate your con­fi­dence and trans­form your smile. Ready to get start­ed? Book your con­sul­ta­tion today!

  • Before
  • Before
  • Before

Under­stand the cost of your treatment

Every treat­ment plan is bespoke to the patient and the final cost reflects this. To help you to under­stand how much cos­met­ic den­tistry will cost, we have shared rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples of com­mon treat­ment costs.

Curi­ous about the cost of treatment?

With inter­est-free cred­it and easy repay­ment plans, you can make deci­sions about your oral health based on what’s best for you, and not just your bud­get. Learn more about the costs of treat­ment and finance available.

Inter­est-free cred­it finance available

Spread the cost of your treat­ment with afford­able month­ly repay­ment plans from our finance partner.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

A dentist carries out routine dental care such as fillings and extractions. A cosmetic dentist has taken on additional training to enable them to carry out highly specialised procedures such as orthodontics or veneers. You should always choose an experienced cosmetic dentist for your procedures, as this will ensure you get the best possible care.

Yes, cosmetic dentistry can actually help to improve your oral health. Individuals who invest in their smiles are more likely to take good care of their teeth at home and attend regular checkups. This can have a positive impact on your overall health. The methods we use are also minimally invasive, which means we preserve the natural tooth as much as possible.

Cosmetic dentistry can help you to achieve the perfect smile for your face. This could mean straightening the teeth so they are less crooked and are evenly spaced. It could also mean fixing chips or cracks. It could mean replacing missing teeth. Or it could simply mean whitening your teeth to remove staining. 

Book your free consultation

Every patient jour­ney starts with a friend­ly, no-oblig­a­tion con­sul­ta­tion to learn more about you and your goals. This is the per­fect chance to ask ques­tions about the treat­ment and find out if you are a suit­able candidate.