Den­tal CT Scan In Warwick

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Ben­e­fits of a den­tal CT Scan

  • State of the art practice

  • Local independent practice

  • Highly experienced clinicians

  • Taking on new patients

CT Scan­ner explained

A dental CT scan is commonly recommended before complex procedures like dental implants. This type of scan gives our dental team a complete picture of your mouth and jaw, including the bones, muscles and soft tissue. This allows us to plan incredibly complex treatment plans such as dental implants and bone grafting.

The CT Scan­ner procedure

The procedure is fast, safe and completely painless. With a hospital CT scan, you might have to lie down with the machine passes around you. For a dental CT scan, you can sit or stand in front of the machine. Guides will hold your head in place and then you simply need to stand still while the machine circles your head. CT scans are also very safe, and the amount of radiation you are exposed to is minimal.

Meet the team

Our team is what sets us apart. Through­out your treat­ment, you’ll be sup­port­ed by our car­ing and pas­sion­ate team. We live and breathe den­tistry, ensur­ing that we can offer the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dards of care for our patients.

  • GDC:111265

    Dr Chetan Mathias

    Principal Dentist - BDS Rajvir Ghandhi University 2005

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

Yes, there is no reason to avoid food before a dental CT scan. You will not be sedated, and there are no extensive preparation guidelines as there would be for a full-body CT scan.

You will need to remove certain items before you scan, including jewellery, hair accessories, glasses and hearing aids. This is not because of a safety issue, but because these items can interfere with the image.

The process is incredibly quick. You will be sitting upright throughout the procedure and you do not need any sedation. From start to finish, the process will take around 15 minutes.

Book your free consultation

Every patient jour­ney starts with a friend­ly, no-oblig­a­tion con­sul­ta­tion to learn more about you and your goals. This is the per­fect chance to ask ques­tions about the treat­ment and find out if you are a suit­able candidate.