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Access the care you want with­out the wait. With pri­vate den­tal finance, you’ll have access to a wider range of treat­ments, avail­able on your terms. Spread the cost and make your cos­met­ic or restora­tive treat­ment more affordable.

Are you con­sid­er­ing cos­met­ic or restora­tive treat­ments but are unsure about how to pay for you care? We offer a range of flex­i­ble pay­ment options to help make high qual­i­ty den­tistry avail­able to more indi­vid­u­als. Spread the cost of your treat­ment with afford­able month­ly repayments.

How do I apply?

We are happy to offer our patients 12 months, no interest, payment plans on treatments over 

How much are the repayments?

This will all depend on how much your treatment is. You can use our loan calculator below to find out how much you can expect to repay every month.

Spread the cost of treat­ment over 12 months

Spread the cost of your treat­ment with our inter­est-free cred­it options. This will make advanced treat­ments more afford­able and allow you to make a deci­sion based on what is right for you, instead of being restrict­ed by budget.


Monthly payments

  • 0% interest available
  • Flexible payment options
  • Low cost loans
  • Approved lending

We are happy to offer our patients 12 months, no interest, payment plans.