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Restora­tive Den­tistry in Warwick

Ben­e­fits of Restora­tive Dentistry

  • State of the art practice

  • Local independent practice

  • Highly experienced clinicians

  • Taking on new patients

What is restora­tive dentistry?

When we restore a natural tooth using materials like composite bonding and porcelain prosthetics, this is a form of restorative dentistry. The most common procedures we carry out include bridges, crowns and inlays/onlays. These treatments will help to replace missing teeth, restore broken teeth, and preserve your natural smile.

The restora­tive den­tistry procedure

We create bespoke dental restorations using the most natural looking materials. The most important thing about a dental restoration is that it fits well with your bite, so we take the time to get the right fit with the surrounding teeth.

We take impressions of your teeth and the gaps that need to be filled. We also take impressions of the opposite teeth so we know how the restoration needs to fit in with the surrounding teeth. We also take 3D scans of your mouth and teeth so we can get a more complete and accurate picture of the structures. We use premium quality materials to create your custom restoration so you enjoy a natural finish.

Restora­tive Vs Cos­met­ic Dentistry

While many restora­tive pro­ce­dures will also improve the appear­ance of your smile, this isn’t the pri­ma­ry goal. Under­stand the dif­fer­ence between restora­tive and cos­met­ic den­tistry below.

Restora­tive dentistry

Restora­tive den­tistry includes pro­ce­dures such as bridges, crowns and inlays/​onlays. While these treat­ments may be used pure­ly for aes­thet­ic rea­sons, the main goal is to pre­serve the nat­ur­al tooth struc­ture. Restor­ing a dam­aged tooth with porce­lain or com­pos­ite mate­ri­als will help to pro­tect it and avoid fur­ther dam­age. This can help you to avoid the need for an extrac­tion, which can have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on your oral health.

Cos­met­ic dentistry

With cos­met­ic den­tistry, there are far more options to choose from. The goal is to improve the appear­ance of your teeth, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly to opti­mise the func­tion. There are occa­sions when we might use restora­tive tech­niques pure­ly for aes­thet­ic rea­sons. An exam­ple of this would be a crown to con­ceal dis­coloura­tion that can­not be fixed with teeth whiten­ing. Cos­met­ic den­tistry focus­es pure­ly on aesthetics.

our team

Get to know the team behind the treat­ments. We are proud to have built a team of experts and indus­try lead­ers. Meet the den­tal sur­geons, den­tists, den­tal nurs­es and sup­port staff that will help sup­port you on your jour­ney to bet­ter oral health.

About the team

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

This all depends on the location in your mouth and the materials used. Porcelain is one of the strongest materials, but it is prone to accidental cracks and chips. Materials like composite bonding are less durable, but these will wear down gradually over time rather than chip or crack away.

Dental treatment should not be painful, as we have excellent techniques available to numb the area to prevent any discomfort. You might experience some unusual sensations or pressure during treatment, but never pain. After treatment, your teeth might be more sensitive than usual.

Restorative dentistry focuses on restoring the function and structure of a tooth, whereas cosmetic dentistry focuses on the aesthetics of your smile. There is some crossover between the two sectors. For example, a crown would be considered both restorative and cosmetic, as it will protect the tooth function while also helping to improve the appearance of your smile.