Cus­tom Den­tures in Warwick

Book your free consultation

Ben­e­fits of dentures

  • State of the art practice

  • Local independent practice

  • Highly experienced clinicians

  • Taking on new patients

What are dentures?

A denture replaces missing teeth so that you can chew food, smile and speak with confidence again. A partial denture can replace specific missing teeth, while a full denture will replace all of your teeth. The denture plate sticks to your gums using suction and often a denture adhesive will help to hold it in place.

  • Allows you to eat a varied diet
  • Smile with confidence again
  • Maintain your overall health
  • Protect remaining teeth

The den­ture fit­ting process

To ensure your dentures look and feel more natural, we create bespoke dentures that are unique to you. Everyone has a different smile, so we will use your natural smile as a reference to create your perfect denture.

This might involve multiple visits to our practice to ensure that we get the right fit for your dentures. It can take some time to get used to wearing a full or partial denture, but we'll be with you every step of the way. If you denture doesn't feel right, you can return to the practice to find out if we can help achieve a better fit. Your mouth can also change over time, so we can adjust it as time goes by.

Den­tures Vs Den­tal Implants

If you're looking for a more permanent solution for missing teeth, dental implant could be an excellent choice. Dental implants allow you to wear a fixed or removable denture with a smaller plate, which makes it more comfortable. However, dental implants are more expensive than dentures and the procedure takes place over several months. Dentures might be better suited to those with a smaller budget.

Are den­tures right for me?

Replacing missing teeth with dentures can be an excellent way to regain your confidence and enjoy your life again. Dentures will allow you to enjoy a wider range of foods and also speak and smile without worrying about gaps in your teeth.

Dentures can be suited to patients with a few missing teeth, or those with more extensive tooth loss. The finished restoration can look very natural, so no one will ever need to know you are wearing a denture. Dentures are suitable for people of all ages dealing with tooth loss. If you're looking for a more permanent solution, you might consider dental implants. Four dental implants can be placed to support a full arch restoration which will greatly enhance your confidence.

Meet the team

Our team is what sets us apart. Through­out your treat­ment, you’ll be sup­port­ed by our car­ing and pas­sion­ate team. We live and breathe den­tistry, ensur­ing that we can offer the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dards of care for our patients.

  • GDC:111265

    Dr Chetan Mathias

    Principal Dentist - BDS Rajvir Ghandhi University 2005

What to expect from your treat­ment journey

We want you to feel empow­ered and informed every step of the way. Under­stand what to expect dur­ing your treat­ment with this sim­ple guide. Your exact treat­ment plan might change, but this will be explained dur­ing your consultation.

Curious about dentures and how they could transform your life? Book a consultation with our team to enjoy a friendly and informal chat about how dentures could help you. This no-obligation consultation is your opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the process.

If you're ready to move forward, our team can provide information about the finance options available to you. You can pay upfront, or spread the cost with a monthly repayment plan.

We'll scan your mouth and take impressions to achieve a perfect fit with your denture. When it's ready, you will return to the practice for your fitting.

Your mouth may change over time, so your denture may need to be adjusted in the future. We'll be there to help ensure your denture remains comfortable and well-fitted.

Our smile transformations

Curi­ous about the kind of results you can expect to achieve? Explore our smile gallery to see exam­ples of how this treat­ment could ele­vate your con­fi­dence and trans­form your smile. Ready to get start­ed? Book your con­sul­ta­tion today!

  • Before

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

If you don't have enough jawbone structure or healthy gum tissue, you might not be a suitable candidate for dentures. We will discuss this during your initial consultation.

It's a good idea to wait for the jaw to heal after extractions before fitting your denture. Not only will this be more comfortable, but it will result in a better fit. You will typically wait around 3-6 months after extractions to place a denture to ensure your jaw has a chance to adjust to the change.

Dentures available on the NHS will be limited compared to those available privately. There are typically differences in the materials used and how they are constructed. While NHS dentures use a standard construction, private dentures will be more bespoke.

Spread the cost of treat­ment over 12 months

Spread the cost of your treat­ment with our inter­est-free cred­it options. This will make advanced treat­ments more afford­able and allow you to make a deci­sion based on what is right for you, instead of being restrict­ed by budget.


Monthly payments

  • 0% interest available
  • Flexible payment options
  • Low cost loans
  • Approved lending

We are happy to offer our patients 12 months, no interest, payment plans.

Book your free consultation

Every patient jour­ney starts with a friend­ly, no-oblig­a­tion con­sul­ta­tion to learn more about you and your goals. This is the per­fect chance to ask ques­tions about the treat­ment and find out if you are a suit­able candidate.