Gen­er­al Den­tistry In Warwick

Ben­e­fits of gen­er­al dentistry

  • State of the art practice

  • Local independent practice

  • Highly experienced clinicians

  • Taking on new patients

Care for your teeth and gums with reg­u­lar check­ups and rou­tine den­tal care. We offer a wide range of treat­ments to keep your oral health on track, with an empha­sis on pre­serv­ing the nat­ur­al tooth struc­ture when possible.

Routine dental care is unique to every patient. Your wider health and lifestyle factors will play a huge role in the kind of treatment you require. We approach every patient as an individual so that we can provider personalised care for their needs.

Perhaps you need help getting your gum disease under control, or you have a painful dental abscess that requires a root canal. At every step in the treatment journey, we'll be there to guide and support you.

These are some examples of the kind of treatments we offer as part of our general dentistry offering:

  • Stay on track with your oral health by visiting the dentist for a checkup every 6-12 months. This will help us to spot smaller issues and prevent them from becoming more problematic.

  • Regular hygienist cleanings will keep your mouth and gums healthy. Commit to regular hygienist cleanings, or schedule a cleaning before bigger treatments like teeth whitening or orthodontics.

  • When infection spreads to the roots of a tooth, you need root canal therapy to help remove the affected tissue and restore the tooth.

  • Sometimes the only option is to remove a badly damaged or decayed tooth. We provide extractions followed by recommendations for restorative treatments like dentures, bridges or dental implants.

  • Your gums and bone are essential for supporting your teeth, and this branch of dentistry is concerned with keeping them healthy at every age.

our team

Get to know the team behind the treat­ments. We are proud to have built a team of experts and indus­try lead­ers. Meet the den­tal sur­geons, den­tists, den­tal nurs­es and sup­port staff that will help sup­port you on your jour­ney to bet­ter oral health.


Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

Most people need to visit the dentist every 6-12 months to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Some people can go as long as 2 years between appointments. Following your dental checkup, your dentist will tell you how often you need to visit the dentist.

Yes, with direct access dental hygiene appointments, you can access dental hygiene appointments without a dentist referral.

Yes, it is possible to supplement NHS care with private dentistry. Many patients choose to make the most of private and NHS dental care to enjoy the best treatment possible. You shouldn't lose access to your NHS dentist if you choose private treatments. However, if you are on a waiting list for NHS orthodontics, you may be removed from the list if you choose private treatment.

Under­stand the cost of your treatment

Every treat­ment plan is bespoke to the patient and the final cost reflects this. To help you to under­stand how much cos­met­ic den­tistry will cost, we have shared rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples of com­mon treat­ment costs.

Curi­ous about the cost of treatment?

With inter­est-free cred­it and easy repay­ment plans, you can make deci­sions about your oral health based on what’s best for you, and not just your bud­get. Learn more about the costs of treat­ment and finance available.

Inter­est-free cred­it finance available

Spread the cost of your treat­ment with afford­able month­ly repay­ment plans from our finance partner.