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Den­tal Hygiene in Warwick


Ben­e­fits of den­tal hygiene

  • State of the art practice

  • Local independent practice

  • Highly experienced clinicians

  • Taking on new patients

Den­tal hygien­ist clean­ings are grow­ing in pop­u­lar­i­ty as patients are made aware of the ver­sa­til­i­ty and wide­spread ben­e­fits of this type of treat­ment. A deep clean­ing will leave you with brighter teeth, fresh breath and will also pro­tect you against com­mon issues.

We recommend visiting the dental hygienist every 12-24 months. When combined with regular checkups, this is the best way to protect your oral health.

Why do you need dental hygiene treatments?

A dental hygienist cleaning can help to freshen your breath, keep gum disease at bay and even make your teeth appear whiter. This type of treatment will remove all surface staining, including plaque and tartar. When these are allowed to build up, they can make your teeth appear dull and discoloured, so removing them can actually make your teeth look whiter. With regular hygienist cleanings, you'll enjoy:

What hap­pens dur­ing treatment?

A trip to the dental hygienist is quick, simple and painless. During your hygiene appointment we perform a dental scale and polish. This involves removal of plaque and tartar using state-of-the-art tools, ensuring your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and refreshed. Afterward, your teeth are polished to a smooth, bright finish, leaving your smile feeling clean and looking radiant.

  • Fresh breath
  • Brighter, whiter teeth
  • Easier to care for your teeth at home
  • Expert advice on oral care
  • Reduce the risk of gum disease

Con­tact the prac­tice today

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The impor­tance of stain removal

Brushing your teeth twice a day is a great way to protect your oral health, but stains can build up over time that leave your teeth looking dull and discoloured. Plaque is a sticky substance that builds up on teeth and is very hard to remove with brushing alone. Eventually, this hardens into tartar, which is black, brown or yellow in colour. A trip to the dental hygienist will remove all traces of plaque and tartar to keep your breath fresh and your teeth looking beautiful.

our team

Get to know the team behind the treat­ments. We are proud to have built a team of experts and indus­try lead­ers. Meet the den­tal sur­geons, den­tists, den­tal nurs­es and sup­port staff that will help sup­port you on your jour­ney to bet­ter oral health.

About the team

What to expect from your treat­ment journey

We want you to feel empow­ered and informed every step of the way. Under­stand what to expect dur­ing your treat­ment with this sim­ple guide. Your exact treat­ment plan might change, but this will be explained dur­ing your consultation.

We offer direct access dental hygiene appointments, which means you don't need a dentist referral to book your appointment.

Every appointment starts with a scale and polish to deep clean your teeth and remove all traces of plaque and tartar, including in hard to reach areas such as below the gum line and between the teeth.

Our dental hygienists are oral hygiene experts and will answer any questions you might have about restorative or cosmetic procedures you might be considering.

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

The simplest way to prepare is to brush and floss your teeth directly before the appointment. You should also think about any questions you would like to ask about treatments and caring for your teeth at home.

A scale and polish appointment will take around 20-30 minutes, depending on the severity of the staining. You'll also have time to ask questions about treatments and learn more about caring for your teeth at home.

Yes, it is possible to see a dental hygienist without a referral from your dentist. This is a great option for patients who have missed their checkups and are nervous about returning to the dentist.