Teeth Whiten­ing in Warwick

Book your free consultation

Ben­e­fits of Teeth Whitening

  • State of the art practice

  • Local independent practice

  • Highly experienced clinicians

  • Taking on new patients

Teeth Whiten­ing explained

Professional teeth whitening is the only way to achieve whiter, brighter teeth. Brushing and over the counter methods will not produce the same results. We offer professional teeth whitening kits with bespoke whitening trays that offer safe and effective results. This is the ideal treatment choice before a special occasion to help you look and feel more confident.

  • Safe and effective
  • Bespoke whitening trays
  • Flexible treatment times
  • Guaranteed results

How teeth whiten­ing works

To understand how teeth whitening works, we first need to understand how the teeth become stained. Your teeth might look solid, but they are actually porous like a sponge. They soak up staining particles from the food and drink you enjoy every day.

These stains become stuck in the tooth, leading to dull, discoloured and yellow looking teeth. Teeth whitening solutions use compounds like hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide which are able to penetrate into the tooth and break down the bonds between the staining particles. Once broken down, the stains can leave the tooth through the small holes. This results in whiter and brighter teeth.

Teeth Whiten­ing Vs Veneers

If you aren't a good candidate for teeth whitening, you might want to consider veneers. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain material that fit over the front of your teeth. These can make your teeth appear whiter, straighter and more even. It's a popular choice for those that cannot use teeth whitening, or those who are looking for a more dramatic makeover.

Is teeth whiten­ing right for me?

Teeth whitening isn't always a suitable option, which is why the initial consultation is so important. You need to have realistic expectations about what teeth whitening can achieve, as there are some situations where teeth whitening would be ineffective.

If your teeth are discoloured due to trauma, this cannot be fixed with teeth whitening. Other conditions that cannot be treated with teeth whitening include staining related to medication. And finally, if your teeth have been whitened in the past and this has left them looking patchy, it's not a good idea to continue with teeth whitening. If you are not a good candidate for teeth whitening, we can explore alternative treatments, including veneers.

Meet the team

Our team is what sets us apart. Through­out your treat­ment, you’ll be sup­port­ed by our car­ing and pas­sion­ate team. We live and breathe den­tistry, ensur­ing that we can offer the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dards of care for our patients.

  • GDC:111265

    Dr Chetan Mathias

    Principal Dentist - BDS Rajvir Ghandhi University 2005

What to expect from your treat­ment journey

We want you to feel empow­ered and informed every step of the way. Under­stand what to expect dur­ing your treat­ment with this sim­ple guide. Your exact treat­ment plan might change, but this will be explained dur­ing your consultation.

Not everyone is a good candidate for teeth whitening, so to find out if you could benefit from this treatment, we always start with a consultation. This is your chance to ask questions and learn more about the process.

You will need custom teeth whitening trays to complete your treatment at home. We take impressions of your teeth and then make custom fitted trays that will hold the whitening solution.

If you opt for home treatment, you will wear your whitening trays for a prescribed time, usually for a few hours in the day or overnight. It's important to follow the instructions so the treatment will be as effective as possible.

You may be invited to return to the practice for one final whitening treatment. After this, we'll share aftercare instructions that will allow you to keep your teeth looking whiter for longer.

Our smile transformations

Curi­ous about the kind of results you can expect to achieve? Explore our smile gallery to see exam­ples of how this treat­ment could ele­vate your con­fi­dence and trans­form your smile. Ready to get start­ed? Book your con­sul­ta­tion today!

  • Before

Fre­quent­ly Asked Questions

It’s com­mon to have lots of ques­tions about your treat­ment. We’ve answered some of the most pop­u­lar ques­tions below.

Teeth whitening is not permanent, and the staining will return if you continue to eat and drink the same food items and continue with certain lifestyle choices. We can offer aftercare advice that will help to maintain the results, but you may notice the staining returns after 1-3 years.

There is a slight risk of increased sensitivity, but this is reduced when you choose professional teeth whitening. There is also the risk of gum irritation if the whitening solution comes into contact with your teeth. Again, this risk is reduced when you choose professional teeth whitening, as the whitening trays will be custom designed for your teeth.

Whiter teeth can boost your confidence and make you look and feel younger. If you are struggling with your self-esteem and often hide your smile, teeth whitening may help. We also find that patients who invest in their smiles are more likely to take good care of their oral health.

Under­stand the cost of your treatment

Every treat­ment plan is bespoke to the patient and the final cost reflects this. To help you to under­stand how much cos­met­ic den­tistry will cost, we have shared rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ples of com­mon treat­ment costs.

Treatment Name
Teeth Whitening (Home Kit)£395

Spread the cost of treat­ment over 12 months

Spread the cost of your treat­ment with our inter­est-free cred­it options. This will make advanced treat­ments more afford­able and allow you to make a deci­sion based on what is right for you, instead of being restrict­ed by budget.


Monthly payments

  • 0% interest available
  • Flexible payment options
  • Low cost loans
  • Approved lending

We are happy to offer our patients 12 months, no interest, payment plans.

Book your free consultation

Every patient jour­ney starts with a friend­ly, no-oblig­a­tion con­sul­ta­tion to learn more about you and your goals. This is the per­fect chance to ask ques­tions about the treat­ment and find out if you are a suit­able candidate.